12-Weeks To Optimal Health Challenge

Cardiovascular disease is one of the number one killers in America.  It kills more people than all cancers combined.  During my career, I have observed an enormous amount of cardiovascular illnesses.  It became clear to me that a lot of the suffering was preventable but a lot of people didn't possess the discipline, knowledge, resources or the persistence to prevent the suffering from happening.  

It became my mission to educate and empower on the prevention of cardiovascular disease.  

Preventative medicine, health promotion and disease management are my passion.  

I ask you to reflect on a few questions:

  • Do you have a close relative who has, either been diagnosed or who has succumbed to diseases, such as: diabetes, heart attack, stroke, kidney disease or hypertension?
  • Have you been diagnosed with any of the above diseases yourself?
  • Are you interested in simple actionable steps to improve our lifestyle and create generational health?
  • Are interested in living a life free of disease and despair?

If you have said YES to any of these...........Then this program is definitely for you!!


  • You will have access to this course for the life of the course.  
  • Every week for 12-weeks a new concept will be dripped out to you.  By the end of the program you will have 12 new actionable steps (plus some bonus ones) that will help improve your health.  
  • During the 12-weeks of the program, you will have access to a private Facebook group, at no additional charge to you, for the full 12-weeks plus and additional month afterwards.  After the 4th month, you can decide to continue in the Facebook group for a low-cost monthly fee.  
  • This group will serve as a support system and a safe place to come and get tips and resources.  Periodically, the Facebook group will have different challenges and speakers to provide extra value.  

Disclaimer: Understand that participation in this program is completely voluntary and serves as an excellent resource to obtain educational information.  Information obtained in this environment is meant for educational and accountability purposes only.  Information is not for diagnosis, treatment or an substitution to seek medical advice and attention from your primary care physician or other health providers.    

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